On Boarding Process
On-Boarding Process
As part of NDLP, the school will be making arrangements for 2025 Secondary One students to purchase their Personal Learning Device (PLD) by the first Semester.

The PLD bundle purchased through the school will include the following:
Apple iPad (Wi-Fi)
3 years warranty and insurance
Device Management Application (DMA)
Apple Pencil
Screen Protector
Book Cover with Pencil Holder
Together with the device, your child will be provided with the following two accounts:
Student iCON, your child will receive an MOE-issued email address. This is a service provided by Google as part of the Google Suite. With the student iCON, your child will have access to the G Suite services including storage in Google Drive, access to Microsoft ProPlus as well as Zoom.
Managed Apple ID, the school will issue your child with an Apple ID managed by the school. This will come with 200GB of iCloud storage.
Use of Edusave
Singapore Citizen students can use Edusave for the purchase of the PLD.
To ensure the affordability of PLDs, MOE has provided Edusave top-ups of $200 from 2020 to 2022, and $300 in 2023 to all eligible Singaporean students in primary and secondary schools.
This is on top of the annual $290 credited into the Edusave account for Secondary School students.
Financial Assistance
Students currently on MOE financial assistance schemes will also receive subsidies for the PLD purchase. The school will confirm again with students should they need to reapply for financial assistance. More information will be shared by the school at a later date.
Updated as of 20 January 2025